A DANGEROUS PLACE. by Winspear, Jacqueline.

A DANGEROUS PLACE. by Winspear, Jacqueline. < >
  • Another image of A DANGEROUS PLACE. by Winspear, Jacqueline.
  • Another image of A DANGEROUS PLACE. by Winspear, Jacqueline.


Edition: First printing.

New York: Harper Collins, (2015) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - The 11th Maisie Dobb novel, set in 1937. After suffering the loss of her husband and unborn child in India, Maisie is summoned home to be with her ailing father, but on reaching Gibraltor, she realizes she is not ready to return and so disembarks as the war is raging in nearby Spain. A copy specially bound and SIGNED on a preliminary page. 305 pp. ISBN: 978-0062220554.

Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

Book ID: 88434
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