A CLOD OF WAYWARD MARL. by DeMarinis, Rick.

A CLOD OF WAYWARD MARL. by DeMarinis, Rick. < >
  • Another image of A CLOD OF WAYWARD MARL. by DeMarinis, Rick.
  • Another image of A CLOD OF WAYWARD MARL. by DeMarinis, Rick.


Edition: First printing.

Tucson: Dennis McMillan, (2001) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - One of the books which came out of his ten years living in El Paso, Texas, where he began writing crime fiction. It was still too literary to garner a wide readership, but he loved it, and he always said that's the reason he wrote: to satisfy himself. This features a teacher in a university on the border between Mexico and Texas, who is also the author of paperback crime novels known as "slasher" novels. SIGNED on the title page. 333 pp. ISBN: 0-939767376.

Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

Book ID: 87840
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