THE END OF ALL THINGS. by Scalzi, John.

THE END OF ALL THINGS. by Scalzi, John. < >
  • Another image of THE END OF ALL THINGS. by Scalzi, John.
  • Another image of THE END OF ALL THINGS. by Scalzi, John.


Edition: First printing.

New York: TOR / Tom Doherty Associates, (2015) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Novel by this Hugo-award winning author set in the "Old Man's War" universe. "Humans expanded into space...only to find a universe populated with multiple alien species bent on their destruction. Thus was the Colonial Union formed, to help protect us from a hostile universe." SIGNED on the title page. 380 pp. ISBN: 978-0765376077.

Condition: Fine in a fine dust jacket (as new.)

Book ID: 87123
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