NIGHT OF FIRE: The Black Napoleon and the Battle for Haiti.
Edition: First printing, a trade paperback, issued simultaneously with hardcover.
New York: Sarpedon, (1994). First edition - "The largest, and only successful, slave revolt in history took place in Haiti in 1791, shortly after the French Revolution. First organized by a voodoo priest, the rebellion soon came under the leadership of an educated, Catholic slave named Toussaint Louverture - a man of such military and political skill that he was referred to by contemporaries as the 'Black Napoleon'." Unfortunately, after the events in this book, in 1804, the French government demanded compensation for the loss of their property and slaves, and Haiti, in order to avoid invasion, agreed, and the following centuries of debt, compounded by corrupt dictators backed by the US, has left Haiti one of the poorest countries in the world. Translated from the Dutch by Karin Ford-Treep. Illustrated with 16 pages of plates, bibliography, index. xvi, 224pp. ISBN: 0-962761370.
Condition: Fine in glossy illustrated wrappers.