THE MEETING AT TELGTE. by Grass, Gunter.

THE MEETING AT TELGTE. by Grass, Gunter. < >


Edition: 3rd printing.

New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, (1981) dj. Hardcover - Historical novel by this Nobel Prize winning author,set in 1647 as the Thirty Years' War was drawing to a close, a group of poets from all over Germany gather at the pilgrimage town of Telgte to strengthen the last remaining bond within the divided nation - that of language and literature. Translated from the German by Ralph Mannheim. Includes an afterward by Leonard Forster with a key to the characters and information on the significance of that meeting. 147 pp. ISBN: 0-151585881.

Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.

Book ID: 84083
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