MARX, DECEASED. by Djerassi, Carl.

MARX, DECEASED. by Djerassi, Carl. < >
  • Another image of MARX, DECEASED. by Djerassi, Carl.
  • Another image of MARX, DECEASED. by Djerassi, Carl.


Edition: First printing.

Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, (1996) dk. SIGNED hardcover first edition - This noted scientist and author's third novel. "Obsessively curious about what others will say after his death, a prolific novelist stages his own death. After craftily penning his own obituary, Stephen Marx disappears, leaving his wife, Miriam, the media and a celebrity-hungry critic, Noah Berg, to complete the task. As Noah and Miriam begin work on a critical evaluation of Marx's writings -becoming romantically entangled on the side - Marx resurfaces in San Francisco as "D. Mann," the latest literary sensation." SIGNED by author on title page and dated in 1997. 218 pp. ISBN: 0-820318353.

Condition: Near fine in near fine dust jacket.

Book ID: 78427
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