IN A BARREN LAND: American Indian Dispossession and Survival. by…

IN A BARREN LAND: American Indian Dispossession and Survival. by Marks, Paula Mitchell. < >

IN A BARREN LAND: American Indian Dispossession and Survival.

Edition: 2nd printing.

New York: William H. Morrow, (1998) dj. Hardcover - A complex and detailed history covering "nearly four centuries of conflict, beginning with the first European settlements in America and extending to the courtroom showdowns of the 1990s. . . there has been plenty of heartbreak along the way: devastating diseases; massacres; lies; broken treaties; loss of ancient hunting, fishing, and burial grounds to private development and federal control; and rampant poverty on many reservations." Photographs. Notes, selected bibliography, index. xxiv, 451 pp. Map endpapers. ISBN: 0-688141439.

Condition: Very near fine in a like dustjacket (an unread copy but with a remainder line).

Book ID: 73822
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