STEPPENWOLF. by Hesse, Hermann.

STEPPENWOLF. by Hesse, Hermann. < >


Edition: Early printing.

New York: Henry Holt, (ca 1946, c 1929.). Hardcover - Hesse's best known and most autobiographical novel, named after the lonesome wolf of the steppes, and blending Eastern mysticism with Western psychoanalytical concepts. Translated from the German by Basil Creighton. Copyright page only has original 1929 date but synopsis pasted in at rear of book is from a later printing and laid in front flap refers to "Nobel Prize winner, 1946", 309 pp.

Condition: Good in original rust cloth with black lettering. Severe tanning to the pages, synopsis pasted on blank pages at rear of book, typed notes taped to front endpapers and discoloration from tape remains.

Book ID: 73663
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