Edition: First US printing.
New York: McGraw-Hill, (1969) dj. Hardcover first edition - A novel of illicit romance, sexual obsession, espionage, blackmail and more by this award-winning Austrian born writer. On the surface, the story is simple: a rich married woman, Verena, falls in love with a younger man, Oliver, and this book is the story of the affair as told by Oliver. An editor reads his manuscript over two days on the Paris Express with an increasing feeling of dread - and when he arrives at Paris, the headlines announce that Oliver Mansfield has been found hanged - and he turns the manuscript over to the police. Translated from the German by Rosemarie Mays. Although Simmel was a best-selling German novelist, this book is rather hard to find in the English translation - when this first appeared Kirkus Reviews called it "a headlong, breakneck novel . ..outrageously readable--a kind of Marat/Sade Crackerjack. " 474 pp.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.