SHADES OF BLACK: Crime and Mystery Stories by African American Authors.
Edition: 1st trade paperback printing.
New York: Berkley, (2005). SIGNED - The first anthology consisting entirely of stories by African American mystery writers. Preface by Lerone Bennett, Jr. Introduction by Eleanor Taylor Bland. Contributors include Frankie Y. Bailey, Jacqueline Turner Banks, Chris Benson, Eleanor Taylor Bland and Anthony Bland, Patricia E. Canterbury, Christopher Chambers, Tracy P. Clark, Evelyn Coleman, Grace F. Edwards, Robert Greer, Terris McMahan Grimes, Gar Anthony Haywood, Hugh Holton, Geri Spencer Hunter, Dicey Scroggins Jackson, Glenville Lovelll, Lee E. Meadows, Penny Mickelbury, Walter Mosley, Percy Spurlark Parker, Gary Phillips, and Charles Shipps. SIGNED by TWO authors: Gary Phillips at his story ""Beginner's Luck" and Walter Mosley at "Bombardier." Notes on the authors. xii, 353 pp. ISBN: 0-425200140.
Condition: Near fine in glossy illustrated wrappers (usual toning to the pages).