DES ORATEURS: Savoir, si les Modernes sont inferieurs aux Anciens, et pourquoi? Dialogue attribue par quelques uns a Tacite, et par quelques autres a Quintilien, traduit par M. Morabin.
Edition: First edition.
Paris: Chez Francois Fournier, 1722. Hardcover first edition - Engravings on title page and the first page of the letter dedicating this to Cardinal DuBois. The preface refers to this as the third translation of 'Dialogue des Orateurs' with the earlier ones appearing in 1630 and 1710 respectively. 2 pp of errata at rear of volume. In addition to being a translator of the classic, Morabin was also "one of the most noted and popular historians of the times" [blank] [8], lvii, [3], 262, [2] p. [blank] 17 cm. 12mo.
Condition: Good overall in original brown leather with hubbed spine, decorations and title in gilt on spine, marbled endpapers.
Book ID: 54877
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