NICKEL AND DIME. by Soto, Gary.

NICKEL AND DIME. by Soto, Gary. < >


Edition: First printing.

Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, (2000.) dj. SIGNED hardcover first edition - Adult fiction by this Pulitzer prize winning poet, best known for his non-fiction, poetry and works for children and young adults. Soto described this - a story of men on the edge of homelessness - as the book he considered the most challenging to write. The NY Times in its review called this "a powerful novel, unpretentious and brutally honest" but with the character of Silver Mendez, a refugee from the 60's who writes poetry on MacDonald's bags, it is also full of humor. SIGNED on the title page. 189 pp. ISBN: 0-826321852.

Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket (a new copy.)

Book ID: 42501
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