OTHERS. by Herbert, James.

OTHERS. by Herbert, James. < >


Edition: Advance Reading Copy (trade paperback format. )

New York: Forge / Tom Doherty Associates, (1999.). First edition - Nicholas Dismas, a private investigator like no other, is hired to find a missing baby. Book ends with this note: "The story is based on a true incident that occurred in a certain London children's hospital some years ago and was related to me by the now elderly person involved. At least two of the main protagonists are known to me personally (one, alas, now deceased) and, lest I be accused of possessing an inordinately warped imagination, I should point out that most of the 'others' described herein are taken from actual medical case histories. I sincerely hope you have been disturbed. James Herbert ,London, 1999" An unusual advance issue - there is no title nor author's name on the covers, nor is there any title page within the book - the book begins with two pages with epigraphs - thus the book itself creates a sense of mystery. 503 pp.

Condition: Fine (as new) in glossy black wrappers.

Book ID: 40145
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