Edition: Book of the Month Club edition (same size and quality as trade edition).
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, (1981.) dj. Hardcover - From the dustjacket "While many people are familiar with the public image of Hemingway and the legendary accounts of his life, few knew him as an intimate. Now, with this collection of letters-the first to be published-a new Hemingway emerges. Ranging from 1917 to 1961, this generous selection of nearly 600 letters is, in effect, both a self-portrait and an autobiography." Edited and with an introduction by Baker, Hemingway's biographer, these present his views on writing and reading, his enthusiasm for hunting, fishing, eating, living; they discuss women, politicians, prize-fighters and more. xxvii, 948 pp. ISBN: 0-684-167654.
Condition: Very good in very good- dust jacket (prev owner's name, edgewear to dj.)