BOOKS AND PORTRAITS: Some Further Selections from the Literary and Biographical Writings of Virginia Woolf.
Edition: First US printing.
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. dj. Hardcover first edition - Although best known as a novelist, the first published works of Woolf were literary essays or reviews and she continued to write these until her death. This book contains 48 essays never before collected, selected and with a preface by Mary Lyon. Many are on authors - including Jane Austen, Thoreau, Kipling, Emerson, Sheridan, Dostoevsky, Sassoon and Melville. Other subjects of her 'portraits' are Sarah Bernhardt, Lady Hester Stanhope and more. 221 pp. ISBN: 0-15-113478-2.
Condition: Fine in fine dust jacket.
Book ID: 32312
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