A GIFT OF LOVE: Seven Vignettes of Human Kindness, Courage and Concern Written Espacially for McCall's in Spirit of the Season.
Edition: First edition.
New York: McCall's, 1966. Hardcover first edition - An attractive 'keepsake' - The essays in this book, 'privately printed for a few special friends of McCall's', were originally published in the December 1966 issue of McCall's magazine. The seven full-page illustrations, one for each essay, are master drawings selected from museum collections and include .Angel of the Annunciation by Raffaellino Del Garbo, Study of the Madonna of the Meadow, Head of the Virgin by Leonardo and others. An appealing small volume with color lithograhy by Foote & Davis, bound in marbelized boards with a black cloth spine, gilt lettering. Unpaginated. Publisher's slip laid in.
Condition: Fine in fine black slipcase.
Book ID: 28773
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